
Join In. Stand Out.

Join In the Delta State family. Stand Out in your future!

Located in Cleveland, MS, 三角洲州提供了一个小镇的魅力,有很多机会找到你的位置. 学生来自美国各地和40多个国家, KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载通过其国家认可的学术课程提供变革性的教育体验, 独特的领导经验和无数的参与机会. Our small class sizes and passionate faculty & 工作人员为您提供从第一堂课到最后一堂课的个性化体验. 加入KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的大家庭,踏上塑造你未来的旅程. Discover the transformative power of education, the warmth of our community, 还有无数的方法可以让你脱颖而出,留下自己的印记. 现在申请,亲身体验KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的不同. We can’t wait to welcome you!

Undergraduate Admissions: A New Chapter Awaits

Student smiling and walking to class.

Freshmen Students, Get Ready for Exciting Challenges & Support Every Step of the Way

College is a major step, 但我们的KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载本科招生团队已经准备好支持你的每一步. Each year, 我们的新生班由来自世界各地的积极进取的学生组成,他们每个人都带来了独特的观点和经验. As a first-year student at Delta State, 您将获得KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载招生处的一对一支持和个性化体验,以确保您的成功. With opportunities to both influence and learn, 大一将为你提供令人兴奋的发展机会.

Two student walking to class and smiling.

Transfer Students, You Are the Pulse of DSU

转校生在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载有着特殊的地位,每年都有大量的学生转学到我们这里. 无论您是从社区/专科学校还是从其他四年制大学加入我们, Delta State has a place for you. 我们相信会使您的转帐过程尽可能简单, 我们的KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载招生团队致力于确保您在之前的课程中获得应得的学分.

这所大学为我打开了无数的大门,给了我一个又一个机会,让我参与到比自己更重要的事情中去. 我有幸见到了一些最不可思议的人, not only students but faculty members as well. 我所建立的人际关系是任何人都无法比拟的. I’m not just another number here. This is by far one of the best decisions I ever made. This is my home—one of my absolute favorite places. This is Delta State, and I am proud to be a fighting Okra!

Cole HollisClass of 2023

我很高兴能把我的教育学位用在特殊教育和体育领域. During my time at Delta State, I was a football player, which guided my career to education and coaching. 我选择从教的原因是因为我喜欢把我学到的知识传授给年轻人,帮助别人塑造他们的未来. 我的老师们全身心地投入到我身上,教我正确的学习方法,以及如何最大限度地利用我的教育. 我一直想成为一名教育工作者,在选择专业时从不犹豫.

Dante WilliamsClass of 2021

我非常感谢KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载给我的机会,帮助我成长为一名学生, an athlete, and as a person. 员工们会尽一切努力帮助你取得成功. 如果学生们想要参与进来,校园里也有很多机会. 我有幸在学校担任领导职务, including being a part of numerous honor societies, an academic tutor, the SGA Director of International Affairs, and the SGA Vice-President. KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载给了我成长的机会,也让这所大学和我一起成长. I would not change my experience at Delta State for anything. Thank you Delta State and as always… GO DSU!

Madison (Maddy) LavoieClass of 2022

Graduate Students, Take Your Expertise to the Next Level

Graduate Student presenting research at research exposition.

Take the next step toward your graduate degree at Delta State. Our high-quality programs are flexible and affordable. 此外,我们还提供学术和职业指导,以确保您获得成功所需的支持. 无论你是一个想要获得更高学位的应届毕业生, a working professional desiring to advance in your career, 或者如果你正在寻求专业发展和研究机会, Delta State has great opportunities for you. Get started with DSU Admissions and join our network of alumni.


3 International students walking and having fun on campus.

我们的学生来自不同的信仰、背景、文化和经历. 加入来自全国各地和世界各地的不同学生,共同创造一个独特的学习者社区.  With a rich cultural heritage and a vibrant community, 我们的大学提供了一个独特和包容的环境,庆祝多样性和促进全球联系.

Why DSU?

Academic Programs: Ace the Classroom and Beyond

我们多样化的学术课程为您提供的工具和知识,不仅在课堂上,而且在现实世界中脱颖而出. 拥有专门的教职员工和最先进的设施, 你将接受一流的教育,为你的成功做好准备.

Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs

Financial Aid: The Dollars and Cents of DSU Education

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载,我们相信财务永远不应该成为你实现抱负的障碍. 这就是为什么我们致力于通过广泛的经济援助选择使你的教育负担得起.

Financial Aid

Campus Life: Journey to Greatness

Students smiling at camera with Delta State Instagram frame.

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载,你的大学经历不仅仅是课堂和考试. 这是一段自我发现、个人成长和难忘回忆的旅程. 让自己沉浸在一个充满活力的校园社区中,培养创造力, leadership, and lifelong friendships.

Make Friends

Student Housing: Your Second Home

Foundation Hall on a quite afternoon.

找到一个完美的家是你大学生活的重要组成部分, and at Delta State University, we’ve got you covered. 我们的宿舍提供了一个支持性和包容性的生活环境,在这里你可以在学术和社交上茁壮成长.

Find Your Home Away From Home

Student Success: Holistic Support

Two students in a computer lab working on an assignment.

With DSU’s Student Success Center, 你会得到你需要的指导和关怀,在课堂内外都能茁壮成长. 我们的学生成功团队在这里为您提供整个大学旅程的全面支持. 发现一个有爱心的专业人士和同学的网络,他们将在你走向成功的旅程中与你同行.

Grow as a Person

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